DJ Anderson was born in Wisconsin and raised on the shores of Lake Michigan. A graduate of Stetson University and Wesleyan University, DJ earned a master’s degree with her thesis in art, "Behind the Façade," an exploration of what is known and unknown about the individuals in our lives. Her first novel, Mercy of the Fallen, explores this same theme, peppered with anecdotes from DJ’s life experience, and the stories strangers have told her while waiting in the grocery line. DJ is a noted storyteller and amateur psychoanalyst with an eye for detail. She approaches her writing just as she approaches the world-with compassion and matter-of-fact wisdom. "The Six Most Dangerous Words" blogpost was begun in late 2010 as a vehicle for showcasing her short stories and reminiscences. DJ’s discipline is to post to the blog at least once every 4 to 5 weeks in order to have set deadlines to keep writing. DJ lived in New England for 23 years, but currently resides in Nashville, Tennessee, where she is an avid runner, bird watcher, and the director of communications for an independent school. Her first novel, Mercy of the Fallen, is also available on Amazon.