IF you want to understand infrastructure work, and IF we are to have serious dialog about fixing America's infrastructure, you have to read this The first, in a series of books that will look into cities across America's aging and deteriorating infrastructure and what these cities have been doing to invest for their long term economic growth. This book looks into the City of Atlanta's mandate for fixing its infrastructure, what Mayor Shirley Franklin, and her administration did from the years 2002-2009 to "fix Our Infrastructure" with emphasis on creative financing for projects, strategic planning, long-term planning, sewer assessment, maintenance, state of the art repair methods, building new underground tunnels that transport and store waste to treatment facilities, storm water management, the allocation of greenspace, in addition to having built a state of the art testing laboratory that tests and treats water. Later chapters discuss how everything works, costs, future projects, "going green", traffic and transportation. Mayor Shirley Franklin forged partnerships with business and community leaders, and through out her terms in office she received numerous awards for herself and the City to create a resurgence for a city, is how Atlanta is succeeding to position itself as a model for infrastructure reform.