All the worlds and countless life-forms that evolve over countless cycles of birth and death are merely a Lila or a Divine-Sport for the Lord.One needs to consciously play the game to truly understand the nature of it to realize the truth that one needs to get liberation from the endless cycle of pain and grief.Accoding to Patanjalis Yoga Sutras Yoga is keeping the mind in an unchanged tranquil-state,for though man is programmed to function and is normally governed by animal instincts sourced by the reptilian or animal brain centred in the medula oblangata,by transcending the lower-mind,the Divine comes into play.Through simple Yogic-techniques like breath-awareness one can realize that as his breathing pattern slows down and ultimately stops in the state of Kevala kumbaka or perfect retention of breath when the mind too stops functioning,his true Self that is Divine takes over and he is beyond the confines of Space and Time and can thus turn eternally young and Total Recall become possible.The Lord Jesus Christ has said in the Holy Bible that the eternal plan is to turn entire mankind Perfect and into the image of himself who is in the exact image of the Father and the Rama Gita says that thoughtless-mind is Brahman - God and Thirumoolar says that the individual soul and the infinite are not different,one thus needs to realize it!