You are most likely here because you are pondering the same question that I was not so long ago; “What can I do to increase buyer interest in my house and secure a higher sale price” It turns out there is quite a lot you can do! Addressing how your house smells and sounds for instance. It really is amazing how few people follow even the most basic advice when it comes to presenting a home to the market. Where I broke new ground however was with a blog and social media campaign that attracted significant interest from buyers and played a part in securing $135,000 more than I expected. What I did worked not because social media was the fad of the hour but because of the extra information I provided to buyers and the informal, conversational style in which it was conveyed. For most of us, our house is our biggest asset. This book outlines steps, from the ‘old school’ to new thinking, that you can take to get involved in your own campaign and maximise your chances of getting the best price for your home.