In the land of the midnight sun, where ruthless Vikings and shape-shifters roam free, an evil empress usurps the Northlandic Throne and suspends the seasons on Winter Solstice. Lucia and Soren were sent by the gods to defeat the empress, but deceits run deep, and they become torn between fate and reality... and between love and loyalty as the battle to end all battles begins.
What readers are saying:
Loved the Window into Norse mythology
A wonderful period romantic thriller that grabs your attention in the first few pages, and never lets up on its grip.
Non-stop, fly by the seat of your pants suspense.
Welcome to a cold, wintery world where nothing is what it seems.
Usually, I have no patience for historical fiction unless it offers something fresh or truly engaging to the story. Winter Solstice Winter does that and then a lot more. My advice is straightforward...GET THIS BOOK -- YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE IT