Daniel Wolpert worked as a research scientist, psychologist and spiritual director, a farmer, a teacher, and a construction worker before earning his Masters of Divinity degree at San Francisco Theological Seminary (SFTS). Over the past twenty five years he has taught in the fields of psychology and spiritual formation and led retreats in such settings as the Art of Spiritual Direction Program at SFTS, the Youth Ministry and Spirituality Project, national ministry conferences, UCLA, UND medical school, Luther Seminary, and numerous churches. Daniel currently serves as the church pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Crookston, MN and is a co-founder of the Minnesota Institute of Contemplation and Healing (MICAH, www.micahprays.org). He is also the author of "Leading a Life with God, the practice of spiritual leadership (Upper Room 2006), "Creating a Life with God: the call of ancient prayer practices"(Upper Room 2003), and co-author of "Meeting God in Virtual Reality: using spiritual practices with media" (Abingdon 2004). He is married to Dr. Debra Bell and they have two sons, Sam and Max.