Since putting out his first book: Eye of the Moonrat in May of 2012, Trevor H. Cooley has sold over 17,000 copies of his books through Kindle. He was born in South Carolina and has lived all around the United states, including Utah, New Mexico, Michigan and Tennessee. His love of reading started in the second grade with Lloyd Alexander’s Chronicles of Prydain series. He couldn’t get enough and continued with David Eddings, Tolkein, Robert Jordan, Stephen King, and many others. Since then, all he wanted was to become a published writer. The characters and concepts that eventually became the Bowl of Souls series started in his teens. He wrote short stories, kept notebooks full of ideas, and generally dreamed about the world constantly. There were several attempts at starting a novel over the years. Not long after he was married, his wife told him to stop talking about the story and write it down. Many years and rewrites and submissions and rejection letters later, he finally put the books on Amazon. The Bowl of Souls series is: Book One: Eye of the Moonrat (cover design by Renu Sharma) Hilt’s Pride (cover design by Justin Cooley) Book Two: Messenger of the Dark Prophet (cover design by Sarah Alderete) Book Three: Hunt of the Bandham (cover design by Justin Cooley) Book Four: The War of Stardeon (cover design by Renu Sharma) Book Five: Mother of the Moonrat upcoming 2013 He is also working on a contemporary fantasy novel about a wizard ripped from the world of the Bowl of Souls series and thrust into our world. It is tentatively titled: Tallow Jones, Wizard Detective. He currently lives in Idaho with his wife and four children.