Sakira Jackson, M. A., Business Psy.D. Candidate is one of the most highly regarded independent diversity and business psychologist in Chicago according to the Non-Profit Executives Assoc. She is the Chief Operating Officer of P & L Group and Managing Principal of DiversityMBA and DiversityMBA Consulting. In addition, Mrs. Jackson serves as CEO of Brainpower Consulting/The CEO Advisers, have attracted clients from across the country. Her prolific publishing includes several business development articles and she is the author of 12 Steps to Owning Your Own Business as well as the founder of the CEO Advisers: a peer mentoring organization for CEO/Presidents. Her books have been added to many start-up book collections and are sold on Mrs. Jackson continues to publish her series of Quikbooks: a Series of Short Lessons for CEOs. The series currently includes: T.I.N.T.: What Color is Your Team and Uncovering Unconscious Bias: Seeing below the Surface of Conflict. Her newest book on workplace conflict; You Can’t See Me because you see me: Social Identity and Conflict in the Workplace is scheduled for release in 2014. Her clients have included, State Farm, All State Insurance, Museum Africa, Home Depot, Target, The City of Chicago, University of Illinois, Road and Track Manufacturing, and over 50 other organizations nationwide. With over 30 years of management consulting, organizational development, human and business behavior, strategic planning and management training experience, Mrs. Jackson provides business leaders with proven results through a combination of behavioral economics and psychoanalytic consulting.