Para familias, amigos y profesionales. T cnicas innovadoras para trabajar con una persona en sic sis, moverla hacia la recuperaci n y ayudarla a sanar y a reintegrarse a la vertiente de la sociedad. Los Temas incluyen: El Inicio de la Sic sis Esquizofr nica. Trabajar con Alguien en Sic sis. Estabilizaci n con Medicamentos. Causas Posibles de la Esquizofrenia. Asesoramiento para el Auto Entendimiento. Reintegraci n a la Sociedad. La sabidur a de Milt Greek, adquirida al haber vivido muchos a os con esquizofrenia, reson conmigo. -Christina Bruni, autor y bloguero experto sobre la esquizofrenia La presentaci n de Milt Greek sobre la intervenci n en una crisis es una de las mejores que he visto. Su discurso "Conocimientos B sicos sobre el Pensamiento y Sensibilidad Sic ticos" hipnotiz a los oyentes. -Fred Freese, Ph.D A translation of Schizophrenia: A Blueprint for Recovery by Milt Greek Schizophrenia: A Blueprint for Recovery provides innovative techniques to work with a person in psychosis, move him or her into recovery, and aid in rejoining mainstream society. Topics include the building of schizophrenic psychosis, hallucinations and false perceptions, working with someone in psychosis, stabilizing on medication, and counseling for self-understanding. The 2012 Revised Edition includes enhancements in understanding psychosis, a discussion of medication and alternatives, and a new appendix to aid in working with a person experiencing psychosis. "After my wife and I read Schizophrenia: A Blueprint for Recovery, it was like a light came on for us." - Father of young person formerly in psychosis "Milt Greek's thoughtful, respectful model for engaging psychotic individuals in treatment is welcome in a field that, in the past, had little to offer therapists who want to help individuals with schizophrenia." - Sandy Watt, M.Ed. Professional Clinical Counselor "Milt is one of the most articulate and astute authorities on schizophrenia I have ever had the privilege to know or hear." - Tom Walker, NAMI Ohio Board of Trustees member "Milt's experience and presentations are critical for those who work with persons with thought disorders." - Diane Pfaff, MSW, Athens-Hocking-Vinton 317 Mental Health Board "Milt Greek's wisdom, acquired from years of living with schizophrenia, resonated with me." - Christina Bruni, author and expert blogger on schizophrenia "Milt Greek's crisis intervention presentation is one of the best I've seen. His talk 'Basics of Psychotic Thinking and Feeling' mesmerized the audience." - Fred Frese, Ph. D.