LOOK AWAY, LOOK AWAY, Dixieland Short Stories of a Peculiar Nature, brings together a remarkable collection of stories so varied in subject and voice it may be difficult for a reader to believe that the same author crafted all ten stories and never bogged down in description overkill. Each story has its definite style and tone, and translates smoothly to the reader who will applaud the creative structuring, dialectic spelling and the exciting use of fragments and institutional "no-nos" other authors might be fearful of putting in their manuscript.There's a definite unencumbered writing style with a rapid-fire approach, creating a strong punch in movement, covering more ground without losing the poetic details astute readers expect and enjoy. Clearly defined and independent, the stories deliver common themes relative to underdogs and outcasts, the beauty of innocence in youth, and complications of "living a life, sometimes out-of-bounds," all serving as a backbone from one story to the next, bonding the collection in an interesting reading adventure. Each story speaks of people, places, and events but never feels stretched, stale or dishonest. Readers quickly believe where the characters take them, through conflict, their pasts, their futures, through suspense, twists and turns, doubts, and surprises in the plots, and in the end, there's just enough detail for readers to piece it together on their own. From the prognostication in "The Browning," the tragedies of "A Good Son" to the heartfult sweetness of "Christmas Cakes" and "The Last Time I saw Paris," the author has created lovable characters, and other characters of questionable notions. The writing style of the author is beautifully crafted, providing entertainment that quickly envelopes the reader. The stories are about today, our society: race, outcasts and underdogs, death, regret, burdensome secrets, and the beauty of innocnece in youth...all sweetened with superior Southern storytelling. Look Away, Look Away is a unique reading experience, highly enjoyable and pleasing, to be read again and again.