Trading Your Life Away is the true story of an unsuccessful bond trader trapped in the world of money worshipthe spirit of mammon. He spent a career controlled by a compulsive drive to trade bonds, alternating between fear and greed to get money. His life began to change on July 6, 2012, when he was touched by a supernatural encounter. While looking at the Bank of England in the square mile City of London, England, he was engulfed in a brilliant white light. He stood frozen with tears dripping down his cheeks as he clearly heard: you have been controlled by the same spirit that controls the City of London - the spirit of mammon. It will begin to come off of you. As it does, it will begin to come off the City of London. Rich looks at how the power of money has affected his life. If you see yourself locked up in an emotional prison as he was and want the key to filling your empty life, he offers a four-letter heart word as the escape.