White Roses is of a collection of creative works written by Dr. McCaa over a period of years for the glorification of the Lord. The poems are original except for the entries made by Mr. Booker T. Myles, Jr. and Kyah and Krystyanna (brother and granddaughters) who have given her permission to include their created works in this book. The title of the book, White Roses came to her after seeking God for a title. For some, white roses symbolize the death of a love one. But God revealed to her that it was not a sorrowful remembrance of loved ones. With her love for arranged white roses and the guidance of her Lord, the title of the book became a reality. The writer indicates that the remembrance of loved ones should not be just set for a particular day. This book is in remembrance of all the loved ones who have gone on to be with the Lord. The written Words of our Savior add meaning to why we still have hope in a world that is plagued with selfishness and greed. White Roses lead us to a quiet place of harmony. It is the authors desire that each page brings the reader closer to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Mrs. McCaa would love to have comments sent to her via email about this book. This book as well as her first book, Poems of Inspiration (and future books) will continue to help support her scholarship fund that was started over fifteen years ago. That is, the Jones, Jones, Vidal and Durham Book scholarship Fund. This fund is in memory of the Jones family, (her mothers family), one of the best musicians that ever lived, her adopted brother and college friend, Audrey Jones; her big Italian/black adopted brother, and also outstanding musician and college friend, Miguel Vidal; and her daughters best friend Cortez Durham, who was like a son. Cortez was serving in the armed forces when his Black Hawk helicopter crashed. Your purchase of this book will help students with the purchase of books while in college. For orders, please contact the author at the address below. jecim@yahoo.com or jessiemmccaa@gmail.com You may also order from the publisher. AuthorHouse LLC 1663 Liberty Drive Bloomington, IN 47403 www.authorhouse.com Phone: 1-800-839-8640 Coming soon: Ssssh! Ssssh! Ssssh! A new novel by Mrs. McCaa