I live in Port St. Lucie, Florida with my wife, Madeline, and a retired racing greyhound named Bean. I’ve been writing since I was a first able to grasp a pen, but I didn’t get serious about it until I quit working for a living in 2008. When I’m not writing, I’m tinkering at art and probably thinking about fishing. I hardly ever go fishing though because I just don’t like to get my tackle wet. I grew up in Fort Recovery, Ohio-a rural burg with one stoplight, six churches, and six taverns. I only attended the Catholic church, Mary Help of Christians. It was, surely still is, the spiritual home to a majority of the town’s residents. I got a lot of my abiding values there, but my appreciation for the odd duck, the weird, the wondrous, and the downright quirky? I got those while swilling Stroh’s beer in those taverns-all six of ’em. I don’t drink much beer anymore. Instead, I like a nice big martini before dinner. A martini is a civilizing influence, both in the moment and over time, provided you stop after the first one. If you go for multiples, you’re just asking for trouble. Martinis have turned me into an uptown boy over the years. I still appreciate the quirky though, and I still have those small-town sensibilities. They probably show in my writing, even though I write a lot about the seedier and less seemly players on the fringe of polite society-thieves, charlatans, strippers, grifters, and the like. After all, they’re the ones who make the rest of us seem sweet by comparison. It’s the same reason I like my candy with nuts. You can find me online at www.jonahgibsonarts.com. I post regularly about my books, works in progress, goings on, and way more personal rumination than is probably healthy. It’s a pretty good place to get to know me because, let’s face it, you’re not going to find me out fishing.