Rich Korb is an avid bicyclist who has designed and taught bicycle classes and conducted many bicycle tours for students he has taught. Rich Korb has thirty-five years of educational experience as a teacher at every level, and as an administrator. Rich is a national speaker, writer, and consultant. Rich’s book - Motivating Defiant and Disruptive Students to Learn published by Corwin Publications as well as two others are used nationally to assist teachers and parents as they work with young people. Rich has presented educational seminars for the Bureau of Education and Research, Otter Creek Institute, Staff Development for Educators, Ideas Unlimited and is an adjunct faculty member for Seattle Pacific University and Brandman University where he offers the national seminar - Motivating Defiant and Disruptive Students to Learn- Strategies That Work. He has designed innovative strategies to enhance student learning while reducing disruptions due to disruptive and defiant behavior.