Born in New Delhi, India, Prasenjeet Kumar is an LLB (Hons.) from the University College London. In addition, he holds a Legal Practice Course (LPC) Diploma from College of Law, Bloomsbury, London as well as a BA (Hons.) Philosophy degree from Delhi University. The numerous awards and scholarships won by him include Lord Mishcon Bursary in UCL for 3 years, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi-UFJ Scholarship for being the brightest in St. Stephens College, Delhi in Philosophy; and Raja Sir Maharaj Singh Philosophy Prize for being the most outstanding student of St. Stephens College, Delhi in Philosophy. In his maiden eBook "How To Cook In A Jiffy-Even If You Have Never Boiled An Egg Before" Prasenjeet recounts his own story of "bumbling about in the wonderlands of cooking" in London, with wit and humour. The author considers this as a "Survival Cookbook" for all those college students, newly employed, single moms or dads or campers who need to master some basic cooking skills in a hurry. Prasenjeet loves gourmet food, music, films, golf and traveling. He has already covered sixteen countries including Canada, China, Denmark, Dubai, Germany, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Macau, Malaysia, Sharjah, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, UK, Uzbekistan, and the USA. Prasenjeet is the self-taught designer, writer, editor and proud owner of the website http: // which he has dedicated to his mother.