Jonathan Zaharek was born and raised vacationing in the Adirondacks, moving to Lake Placid full-time in early 2019. Over his life, he has walked almost 4,000 miles of High Peaks Wilderness, completing 8 full rounds of the 46 and two rounds of the winter 46. He is also the 10th individual and youngest to complete the High Peaks Wilderness Red Line (hiking every mile of trail), is the only individual to complete successful solo attempts of the Bob Marshall Traverse in the summer and winter and holds the record for the largest single day hike in Adirondacks history: 25 high peaks in 25 hours. Jonathan is currently a professional photographer and guide in the region. He guides with the company "High Peaks Mountain Guides" and also independently, leading individuals and groups on adventures into the high peaks. Jonathan has the single largest following of any entity in the Adirondacks, with a combined following of 30,000 people between Instagram and YouTube. Through these platforms he creates content on the region meant to educate, prepare, and inspire - passing his knowledge and experience on to others. He has written articles for numerous publications, including localADK, Embark, Adirondack life, and PEEKS Magazine. His photography is showcased in the Lake Placid Center for the Arts, Gallery 46. Follow him on Instagram and YouTube to keep up with his adventures.