T. M. Simmons lives in a haunted house on the edge of the East Texas Piney Woods, which she shares with her husband and a variety of pets and paranormal residents. She delights in scaring herself silly during otherworldly encounters and visits haunted buildings and graveyards during both dark and full moons. Her husband sometimes protects her from the bumps in the night, but he’s been known to spy a ghost and retreat rather than confront. Her favorite companion, of course, is Aunt Belle, her own personal Aunt Twila. The two of them have managed so far to stay out of jail as they prowl through their adventures, although those Texas Rangers didn’t think them funny. Simmons is extremely willing to discuss her experiences with anyone she can corner. You can find more information about her books and ghost hunting activities at http: //www.iseeghosts.com or contact her at tmsimmons@iseeghosts.com. She has a weekly blog at http: //www.iseedeadfolks.blogspot.com Is on Facebook at http: //www.facebook/tranam.simmons. Her Twitter handle is @TMSimmonsauthor.