Herstory is a revelatory novel, written in prophetic style, revealing the one line of perspective that existed from the beginning of All Things. This story is not intended for one arena, as most spiritually natured books are, but for all who are willing to hear new words depicting the origination of creation and the events that led to its design. It is directed to all who understand the need for a new word in a new day for all of humankind across both the scientific and spiritual realms of thought.Catherine is an extraordinary young girl who ignores the truth hidden within her heart to follow the footsteps of her father, her family. This decision ultimately brings her to Alaska, where she comes to witness the revelation of Darkness. With this new knowledge, Catherine has to make a decision-never will she walk in the way of her father again. To walk from within is her only choice, to face the Darkness and find the truth hidden within her heart.Upon doing so, Catherine finds herself plunged in the midst of an ancient battle in which she could never have prepared for or imagined. Her decision to continue and never go back is the only way; she has to finish it, to find a new way, or eternal death would be all that awaited her. The anguish brought forth in this truth leads to Catherine’s ultimate confrontation with Darkness, revealing within the untold story of fallen creation unto restoration.