Steve Martaindale likes to describe his specialization as generalist, saying his interest in many things, even though master of few, proved beneficial as a newspaper reporter and editor. His more than 20 years of working in small daily newspapers has been punctuated with stints as diverse as running a courier service, volunteer firefighter, managing a condominium, delivering flowers, selling souvenirs in a national park and working as a journalist in Antarctica. That breadth of experience has paid off again as Martaindale transitions from fact to fiction. He draws on associations with a wide range of people to apply reality to his characters and their stories. He and his wife, Leah, reside wherever they desire and enjoy a daughter, a son-in-law, a grandson and absolutely no more pets. "The Reporter and the Penguin" is the third of the JP Weiscarver series. The first two - known to Steve simply as "Ferret" and "Hurricane," were published under one cover, "The Reporter, a Ferret and a Hurricane." It is available through Amazon or the author’s web site, Keep up with JP Weiscarver and his further adventures by liking his page at