Alfredo D. Echeverría, AIA, studied architecture at the University of Havana, Cuba, obtaining his Bachelor Degree of Architecture and Master Degree of City and Regional Planning at The Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. He served as the Associate Director of the DC Office of Planning where he managed the formulation of the first Comprehensive Plan for the Nation’s Capital. During his tenure he was appointed Commissioner on the National Capital Planning Commission representing the City. Concerned about architectural symbolism he has written several papers regarding the influence of formal thoughts on the urban and architectural morphology. Echeverría has lectured, served as consultant and provided architectural services to governments and private clients in USA, Latin America, Middle East and Europe. He has received numerous awards from his professional peers, Government, eleemosynary institutions and business organizations. Troubled about the loss of the genuine roots of the Cuban architecture, this book glances at the Islamic influence on the architecture of Spain, and the eventual transcultural syncretism with the Cuban ethos. It hopes to enlighten architects to look into the mystical foundation of architecture which guides the human ethos. Echeverría is an advocate of Cuban Neo-Baroque architecture.