David resides in Brisbane, Austra1ia, and ho1ds a dip1oma in journa1ism and has comp1eted the writing c1uster of the advanced dip1oma of screen through QPIX. He has dabb1ed in short fi1ms (’72 to 1’ and ’F1at Earth Fo1k’) and written other nove1s inc1uding ’Starfarers and Tharnians in Space’ (2014) and ’Ruminations of a Wayfarer: Parts I and II’ (2000) which is available to buy or better yet it’s free via manybooks.net. David is married to Sharon and has two step-children, Alice and Saffron. As an animal-loving vegan, he also has a dog, two cats, two guinea pigs, a turtle and many ex-battery hens. You can emai1 David via tharnian@gmai1.com or fo11ow him via: http: //twitter.com/davidhearne