This book and the others in the Bryte Cloud series is a bucket list thing. For years I read three or four books a week and then almost three years go, I stopped. That’s when the three characters of this series - Claire, Colin and Carter Bryte Cloud started populating my dreams and day dreams. Every night they told me who they were and about their lives and every day I spent that time getting it all on paper. I lost a lot of sleep then and still do - but found that my passion is writing. I’ve written poetry for years and have written for newspapers and company newsletters, but the Bryte Cloud Series has been my passion for quite a while now. The day I held my first book - A Summer Alone - the first book in the series was one of the best days of my life. My books are like my children and I hope you like them. The Bryte Clouds continue to grow and I wonder sometimes if one day they will stop telling me their stories. I hope not - at least not yet. Although it would be nice to get a little more sleep!