When logic and mysticism collide, the truth is caught in the balance . . .
Tempers flare as the owners of the Carr-Maah Consulting Agency clash and their ideologies morph into the irresistible force and immoveable object. Practical Celeste embraces technology, logic, and order. Esoteric Ericka wields a fountain pen filled with ink disturbingly like blood, uses it to write mysterious messages on disturbingly skin-like parchment, and burns the icky paper in an ancient brazier to find answers in the smoke. Celeste retaliates with a fire extinguisher and a stern lecture on fire codes. The women call a cease-fire when a stranger storms the office. The elderly woman demands help in finding her missing grandson. Constance Twist also claims that someone tried to kill her on her way to the agency. Celeste explains that Carr-Maah is a human resources consulting company, not a detective agency. Celeste grits her teeth when Ericka overrules her, forcing her to take the stubborn senior citizen’s missing person case. Celeste is convinced their new client lied about the murder attempt to elicit sympathy and help. She’s dead wrong. Celeste doesn’t get the chance to apologize. The killer rectifies the earlier error, brutally murdering Constance as she leaves the agency. Celeste and Ericka, assisted by Hobart, the mysterious homeless man forced by Ericka to become the agency’s office manager, investigate Constance’s murder and other mysterious events. The clues lead them to a surfeit of viable suspects. With a voice heated by the South African sun, Christoph Metre is the charismatic head of the rival consulting agency. Obsessed with the exotic Ericka, Christoph appears with his entourage in unexpected places, including the murder scene. Lovesick Mrs. Grant, in a one-sided relationship with Mr. Crispie, hated it when Constance Twist offered the spry widower lemonade with a Twist. Dr. Britta Spartan, head of the domestic violence shelter where Celeste gives back by volunteering, writhes around Hobart like a predatory boa constrictor around a juicy mouse. If Celeste and her friends can’t solve the mystery in time, they’ll be the next victims.