At an early age, Brian began drawing due to an influence from the classic 1990’s X-Men cartoons. Brian realized his real inspiration during the summer of 1996 when he was in a gas station and purchased a comic book containing the art of Joe Madureira. The anime style in the American comic book caused his interest to peak. In years to come, Brian read hundreds of comic books, paying particular attention to the various artistic styles and detail. Brian developed his own style of drawing and utilized further study of other artists. While in college, Brian studied history in order to further his knowledge of the masters of art. Brian definitely has a love of art and uses different mediums in his work such as watercolor paints and Photoshop. Brian has completed commission pieces for multiple clients and has started his own comic creations that also contain inspiration from childhood. Currently Brian is Co-Owner of a SC art group called Sentinel Sheep Studios with Jake Williams. They specialize in illustrations, photography and graphic design.