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The Second Exodus

The Second Exodus The Second Exodus

出版社:Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
語言:英文   規格:平裝 / 230頁 / 22.86 x 15.24 x 1.22 cm / 普通級/ 初版
$ 934
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圖書名稱:The Second Exodus


There has been much speculation about events that will occur in the last days. Such as; when will the Tribulation begin? Will Solomon’s temple be rebuilt? Who are the 144,000? When is the rapture of the Saints? The book of Revelation contains mysteries that were sealed until the end times that are just now coming to light as we enter the last days. Any previous attempt to force an interpretation of the end times was premature and futile.

Scientific information made public in the years 1998-2000, helped to define a principle doctrine already present throughout the scriptures but previously unnoticed. The original immortal life possessed by Adam and his wife, consisted of a double helix structure with 144,000 genes. The sin they committed corrupted their genome, which became hopelessly entangled with genes that expressed only mortality, while suppressing the immortal nature of their past. This statement is backed up by science and not only the belief that comes from faith.

When DNA base pairs are separated during cell replication, each strand is connected to 72,000 individual bases. The triple helix structure has an additional homopyrimidine strand that binds to the double helix (in reverse polarity) and the nucleotides (base pairs) form a base triplet. Thus, 3 nucleotides x 72,000 bases, equals 216,000. The number of the beast is 600 times 60 times 6, which equals 216,000. The mark of the beast is a set of genetic instructions that will overwrite the double helix genome of a natural person into triplets, creating a triple helix creature that is no longer human. The end times deception is all about genetics. No matter how impracticable, or even unfathomable it may seem on this day; the groundwork for a form of immortal life has already been laid in the form of COVID19 vaccines and booster shots that the patent holder admits can elicit a triple helix response. This is in perfect harmony with the scriptures which state unequivocally that a form of immortality will be achieved:
And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name." Rev 14:11 NKJV
Their torment is forever because they are immortal and cannot die. This is the strong delusion of 2 Thessalonians, chapter 2, that a person can obtain immortality apart from Christ. This is the test coming upon all those who dwell upon the earth. Do I accept the immortal life offered by science and technology, or do I wait upon the promise of Christ, that he will bring me to life everlasting?



Bill became a believer in Jesus Christ in 1979, at the age of 23. In 1981, he and his wife started to attend a Messianic Congregation that began to meet in Atlanta, Georgia. It was here that Bill was first introduced to the Hebrew roots of his Christian faith. He began to study the language and culture, and became interested in eschatology, from an Old and New Testament perspective. Motivated by the realization that one cannot hope to understand the end times, without first understanding the beginning of all things, his first thesis was written about the Creation Story. It was a word study of the original Hebrew text, with an expanded interpretation of what occurred in the Garden of Eden. This work evolved into the book, "A Beautiful Delusion." Bill has since made available his second book, "The Second Exodus." This work delves into the symbolism and meaning of certain events, holy days, and Hebrew customs that provide a special insight into the Great Tribulation. Will the rapture occur at the beginning, the middle or at the end of the Tribulation? Just below the surface story of the Book of Revelation and John’s Gospel; is an allegoric story of how the Church in Philadelphia believers will depart first, followed by those who remain until the middle of the tribulation. The Church in Philadelphia that received the sixth letter (in the Book of Revelation) is a simile for end time believers who see an open door (or portal); and leave this plane of existence (out of the reach of the Anti-Christ); in the same way the Hebrews crossed the Red Sea out of the reach of Pharaoh (who was a likeness of the Anti-Christ).Those who remain until the middle of the Tribulation will be tested by the Anti-Christ, to receive his mark, which is a genetic therapy that re-write a person genome, with the promise of immortal life. The strong delusion of 2Thess 2:9; is nothing more than the age old temptation that Satan offered Eve in the Garden of Eden; do this and "become like God." Bill has also released his third book, "You Have Not Forgotten My Name," which is an in depth study of God’s name. Bill and his wife Margaret have been married for 38 years. They are originally from Long Island, New York. Their ancestors from both sides of the family tree were "Separatists." Bill and Margaret both share in many of their ancestors views.



  • ISBN:9781496092700
  • 規格:平裝 / 230頁 / 22.86 x 15.24 x 1.22 cm / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國
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