Hand In Hand . . . Here in over 90 poems, Russell MacClaren takes us to faraway places, holds up a mirror for us to explore our hopes and yearnings. His language spills over with humor, passion and insight. He has mastered the art of exhuming thoughts and feelings each of us has tendered yet are often unaware of. He leads us on a quest to discover who we are and what were made of in hopes we may apply that knowledge to find our Soul Mate. MacClaren exposes the faceted crystal of Love and Romance, exploring bonds between lovers from five points of view: Hers, His, Duplicity, Departures and Ours. The third collection of Russell MacClarens poetry is a keepsake. You and your partner will return to favorite poems to reaffirm and refresh your relationship. It is the authors fervent hope that lovers find each otheragain and again. - R. M.