J. R. Woltz’s Celtic ancestry comes mostly from the Isle of Skye with a father of Scottish descent and a mother of Irish lineage. As a member of the Clan Donald Society of Scotland, the author recently found inspiration among the lochs and mountains of the Great Glen during a summer’s journey to the Highlands of that most ancient of homelands. There at once began the envisioning of the storyline for this, the second book in The Dragonsfyre Trilogy. Further inspiration for the series has grown out of Woltz’s ancestral beliefs as a Druid and eclectic spiritualist. An intricate part of the Dragonsfyre saga lies in Woltz’s desire for the reader to perceive the allegory and the hidden metaphors with relationship to our own world of today. The response by the people of Victrial to the growing threat of evil in their land is one that the author hopes would serve as a lesson to us all. Woltz’s background of knowledge and experience is as diverse as the spirituality which supports it. As a former teacher of history, there is a deep appreciation on the author’s part for all manner of antiquity including those stories of myth and legend that may actually be rooted in philosophical truth as well as historical fact. In addition to success as an author, Woltz is also an accomplished artist, a master fencing instructor, an equestrian, and a player of the Great Highland bagpipes.