Nicole is a playwright, drama and fantasy author. She spent many years dreaming about becoming a published author and wrote plays and poems in her leisure. Then one day, her husband said, "Babe, if you want to write, then write. I gotcha." That was her push to began her career as a writer. Before completely diving into writing as a business, she was a court reporter, court reporting instructor and owner of a court reporting firm. The field really helped her with her writing in terms of punctuation, grammar and editing, along with the ability to type 225 wpm, and dictation at 325 wpm, but it also slows her down, because she has been trained to correct errors as she’s types, then proofread the sentence, then proof it again. Therefore, it can be extremely hard for her to do a rough draft as quickly as most other writers. In addition to writing, Nicole is an avid reader. She enjoys reading books that allow her to escape and visualize. Anything with a supernatural overtone will grab her attention immediately, even if it’s a comic book. Topics dealing with angels, faeries, portals, dimensions, gods and mythology are books of interest as well. Nicole writes under the pseudonym Von Cook, for topics dealing with religion and Biblical instructions on spiritual warfare. On a personal note, she has two sons and lives in Florida with her husband. She enjoys bicycling, camping and the theater. Her greatest love is traveling to places that allow her to escape the noise of the world.