Blending fact and fiction, this tale of adventure is set in 1940 and follows two men as they parachute into occupied France to rescue an aircraft designer, a man whose designs could decide the fate of the war.
Split into 6 parts, this account of one of the darkest times of World War 2 is a rip roaring tale that will have readers eagerly turning the pages right through to the thrilling end.
In Part 4, Bill and Co. are shocked when the aircraft designer is kidnapped. Following a slim lead, they travel to Reims, a town that's only a few miles from the front line. Reaching the place, they chase a car believed to have the designer inside.
They get lucky when the vehicle breaks down but, before they can reach the car, a German tank tops the hill and heads towards them. A moment later, a tank shell tears apart the vehicle! Is Marcella, the man whom they came to rescue, dead?