We are now are own elders, as we must forget about your own personal platitudes whereas sometimes some lights that shines twice as bright, burns half as long, as sometimes we all tend to shine ever so brightly. For one moment, have you ever possibly & conceivably considered your way of thinking about the world is totally wrong. The main problem we all are facing is that so much research is based upon biases & personal opinions, and not pure research. This writer submits that a person or persons can never clam be a true intellectual unless they void themselves of personal perfidiousness & only concentrate on the true facts or fruits of pure research. For what is intellect without deductive & constructive reasoning, & not from personal prospectives, but from the collective facts as presented. For example; when I open a door & describe whats on the other side may be much different than another, When in fact, whats on the other side of the door, is whats on the other side of the door. The truth is, what ever is on the other side of that door, Is just that, does that make sense? When you assume, To a degree and for a moment, you always convey & show your ignorance in anything that you care to assume for a fraction of a second. As some relative assumptions may seem more creditable in the areas of intellect & reasoning, others are blind arrogance & opportunism coupled with the instincts to naturally & progressively inquire.