The murder of an Interpol translator in France. Nine mutilated bodies found under a fish shack in remote Troms in northern Norway. A $ 6 million dollar bribe for a Norwegian detective. Chief Inspector Sohlberg is in danger. Organized crime is, indeed, organized. It does business between different crime families across the world. The novel is based on the author's investigation into heroin and meth labs, which are big business. Some are even based in North Korea. Globalization isn't just for legit business or capitalists. There's also one crime in the making that doesn't even come close to the "Mass Murder" category. And that crime requires Sohlberg to do the unthinkable in this gripping novel about obsession, paranoia, organized crime, and whether it's better for a few to be sacrificed so that many will live. Or is it better for many to be sacrificed so that a few get to live?