David Marshall Hunt first experienced life in other countries while serving in the U.S. Air Force during the war in Viet-Nam. He was fortunate to visit numerous Asian countries and peoples before returning to the USA. Next he began a career in international banking that took him to Okinawa, Japan, Pakistan, and South Korea. Then came 30 fantastic years of university teaching and research which featured several years of life and work in Africa, the Middle-east, Asia, Canada, and the USA. An interview quoted him as saying, "I am addicted to living abroad at the expense of others, government, employers, endowed professorships, even a Fulbright Professorship in Kenya." Now as a novelist he enjoys and has fun telling tales that are often based on legends and myths about other countries, of which he has knowledge and personal experience. He admits to there being some civics lessons mixed in to the action and mystery, the risks and adventures in his stories. Old habits are hard to break, even when one is having fun. Fun is doing the things you love to do. Enjoy the wild ride!