Lester F. McGlurk is NOT a real person. OK, perhaps some clarification is needed here: Lester F. McGlurk is the imaginary spawn of Wayne A. Nordine; contrived one evening when staying up way too late writing a term essay for High School that was due the following day. However, that late night endeavor was the genesis of a character whose life and unlikely experiences became creative fodder for a guy with a manual Brother(R) typewriter - and, apparently, a lot of free time. Wayne Nordine survived growing up in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; spent a couple of years wandering the streets (and apartment stairs) of Tokyo, Japan; then after one more year in Winnipeg and enduring a winter that froze his car battery solid, decided to relocate to a really foreign place: Las Vegas, Nevada... where he wed the love of his life, raised two sons, a cat, four dogs (though not all at once), and some fish - and dove head-long into the computer age where he re-worked his literary efforts as Lester F. McGlurk on 5 different computers. This volume is proof that 28 years of determination and a wee bit of crazy can pay off (hopefully).