Sensei Luis Jorge began his martial arts journey at the age of five under Tameyoshi Sakamoto. At the age of 17 he was chosen to assist his teacher in instructing class because of his discipline, talent, and knowledge in the art of Shirenkan Goju Ryu. At the age of 20 he was awarded black belt under his instructor. Luis Jorge inherited the knowledge of kyusho (pressure points), Shiatsu (oriental massage), Katsu (traditional Japanese first aid), Sazen meditation, Yoga, and oriental philosophy from his Sensei. In 1987, Shirenkan Goju Ryu affiliated with the International Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate Do Federation through Sensei Ramon Veras, President of the Pan-American Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate do. In 1989, Luis was invited to Houston by Sensei Ramon Veras to enhance his skills. In Texas, he participated in numerous competitions, seminars, and research in the martial arts. Luis Jorge became an instructor at the Traditional Karate Center, and the YMCA in Houston, Texas from 1989 to 1991. Before returning to his native country in 1992, Sensei Luis Jorge was invited to teach in Florida by Sensei Robert Young. He was the head of the international Okinawan Goju Ryu Karate Do which was where Luis continued expanding his knowledge in martial arts. Upon his arrival in the Dominican Republic, Sensei Luis Jorge opened his own martial arts school and also helped different organizations and teachers in the improvement of their own skills. While attending college, Luis Jorge opened a small center for oriental therapy. This was the first time that anything like this was opened in Santiago, Dominican Republic. He chose to open such a place because of the of medicine in physical therapy available at the time and for the general rehabilitation of the city. In 1995, Sensei Luis Jorge returned to United States. In 2010, Luis Jorge wrote his first martial arts handbook which is being used as part of classes for training methods in several schools in NY, NJ, CT, and TX. This book is now available on amazon. It is called "Your Karate Foundation: Goju Ryu". He is working on another book called Training the Spirit which is not only for martial arts but for anyone who is looking for self improvement. Currently, he represents the Okinawa Goju Ryu kyo kai in New York. To this day, Luis helps many other martial art students and instructors in their classes. In order to help a wider group of people, he chose to write books. Now anyone can get them and hopefully you will be one of them!