Maryphyllis Horn, M.Ed., is a former high school choral music teacher, an artist, certified therapist, ordained metaphysical minister, Reconnection(R) practitioner and a shamanic practitioner who loves and respects animals and nature. Her current mission and career is shamanic counseling and spiritual healing. Much of that work is done clairvoyantly and telepathically with her spirit guides, angels and archangels. She has learned from experience that what these spiritual beings reveal is always truthful and the healing they provide is beneficial. A side benefit to the telepathic communications with the angels and archangels is that she has become more attuned to the telepathic communication of wild and tame animals. She does not use it with humans nor with animals without permission; that may seem strange, re animals, but they know when a human is using telepathy and they readily answer "yes" or "no" in permission. The permission factor is necessary because of the prime directive from Highest Spirit of "free will," meaning, that it would be an invasion of privacy to do otherwise. In 2012, her Spirit Teachers (angel guides) insistently requested that she write this book of her personal telepathic experiences with animals.