In Hong Kong, four friends are on a secret mission to retrieve a hostage named Mei from a dangerous triad. Halene is the leader, the creative mastermind. Daniel is the logical one and the client convincer. Sam is the translator. And last but not least, there's Bailey, the comforter, who calms clients amid intense situations.
After escaping with Mei, Sam and Bailey are left to watch over her while Halene and Daniel set the rest of their removal plan in motion. But a gunman discovers them and shoots Bailey in the shoulder...
Bailey shudders, blinks, swallows-and wakes up. No gunshot wound, no Sam or Mei, no Hong Kong. Just another vivid dream.
Suffering from an undiagnosed sleeping disorder, every month or so, Bailey falls asleep for days at a time, experiencing what are referred to as "sleep attacks." During these episodes, she always finds herself on dangerous missions with the same three people-though she's never seen any of them or done any of these things in real life.
Soon after the shocking end to her last sleep attack, both her dream life and her real life take an astonishing turn...