How to be a Millionaire
Why is one person incredibly rich, and the other one bitterly poor? Why is the one successful in his profession, while the other one fails? Why does the one live in a beautiful mansion, and the other one in a ramshackle ruin?
Wolfgang G. Sonnenburg has the answer to these questions. In this book he explains the basics that make wealth achievable; important principles on how to live a fulfilled and in every aspect rich life. Let your money work for you and become your money’s master, rather than remaining its slave!
This book provides you with the key. For everyone has the right to have enough money for the good things in life! And everyone has the opportunity to get this money.
Wolfgang G. Sonnenburgis a successful entrepreneur and multi-millionaire. Of humble upbringing, he studied law and established a lawyer’s office and tax consultancy. After liquidation of his business, he managed to make his way out of private debt amounting to 2.400.000 deutschmarks and built a fortune running into millions.
Today, as a speaker and mentor, he passes on his experience and knowhow on how to create success, to corporations as well as individuals. He is the initiator of the Winspiration Day Association, which engages itself globally for the spreading and implementation of the United Nations’ Human Development Index.