"Move a Muscle, Change a Thought " I believe we all can use a little help and support staying positive; especially on gloomy days no matter who we are. Fear, anxiety, and depression wanting to give up but not really? Full of self-pity and self-hate? "Twisted Thinking Making Sense Out of Non Sense," using others to feel okay, justifying wrong behavior into wrong action, thinking it's the solution and right action, then end up feeling empty, alone, and unsatisfied. Not having a quiet mind; am I going crazy, am I the only one who feels this way? If I told someone how I was feeling/thinking, would they judge me less than? What do I do, how do I get rid of these unwanted feelings? Every day of reading a page will help change your perception to have different by doing different. To help bring understanding, compassion, love for yourself, suggestions and truth that will set you free and make sense out of your non sense. We start to heal just for today, it will take time (just like learning to ride a bike took time) but you're worth having joy in your heart, peace in your mind, and a life filled with opportunities of everything GREAT as well as a healthy loving relationship with yourself and others. You're worth it