As a youngster, Mark Lemann grew up in the rural village of Kiel, Germany, and helped his family by tending to the livestock. A bright student, Mark attended college and hoped to earn a degree. But the start of World War II in 1939 demolished that dream. He returned home to help his parents on the farm. Soon, the war caught up to him, and he was obliged to join the army. Not to squander his intelligence, the German army enlisted Mark as an espionage soldier, one who deciphered codes received from the British and American armies. One night, Mark intercepted a message that would change the course of his life. He found himself on the other side of the war, and he fought tirelessly to protect the new family he joined. Mist of Love Fog of War follows Mark Lemann as he navigates the trials of World War II, traveling through Europe escaping both his allies and his enemies.