If the Shroud of Turin is the authentic burial cloth of Jesus Christ, it is the most important object on the face of the earth with the possible exception of nuclear weapons. This book explains why. Quantum Christ is about the confluence of religion and science in the study of the Shroud which assumes cosmic importance as humanity faces extinction in an Apocalypse of Selfishness. Selfishness which was one of the driving forces of evolution is now, through the selfish abuse of the environment, driving humanity to an inevitable extinction. Christ is the crucified martyr of unselfish love. Only prodigious, unselfish conduct by humanity can save it from extinction. According to Dan Porter, Editor of Shroudstory.com, Quantum Christ "the best book ever written about the Shroud... it is not just about the Shroud. The Coming of the Quantum Christ is about what the Shroud is about. It is about the confluence of streams of human understanding that meet in the study of the Shroud. Religion converging with science is one. Our history meeting our future is another. This book will make you think." Award winning film producer Silent Witness] David Rolfe wrote: John Klotz's] assembly of the evidence for authenticity is meticulous and he relays it in an unfolding chronicle which also reveals the twists, turns and human frailties that have bedeviled the Shroud's reputation and left it in limbo to anyone who has never taken the time and trouble to dig a little deeper. It is far reaching in its scope and conclusions. Hold on to your hats." Annette Cloutier, author of Praey to God: A Tasteful Trip Through Faith, wrote "John Klotz's genius in writing The Coming of the Quantum Christ is that he carefully and freely managed to integrate the whole of our current society and wrap it around the Shroud of Turin. The result of which The Coming of the Quantum Christ is the most exhilarating book ever written thus far on the investigations and the implications of the Shroud of Turin vis vis the human condition. It is a clear and concise literary masterpiece, a must read for everyone interested or even just curious about the Shroud of Turin, Christ, and Life itself." Joseph Marino, author of Wrapped-up in the Shroud summoned-up Quantum Christ in these words: "Heavily footnoted and lavishly illustrated with both color and black & white photos, this book should be in the collection of anyone interested in the Shroud, whether a novice or a trained scientist." Barrie Schwortz, Editor of Shroud.com and Documenting Photographer of the 1978 Scientific Examination of the Shroud put it this way: "Meticulously researched, thoughtfully written and handcrafted with love and respect for the subject matter, this book is a must read for anyone fascinated by the Shroud of Turin and what it might mean to the world.