In life everyone begins to question ’why’ or ’why not’. But have you ever stopped to think, ’why them’? Life can blind us from our faith walk. We often walk with our own blinders on and we become callous to the suffering and loss of others. Sometimes in life, we are left with seeing the worst of the worst. Sometimes our walk becomes tarnished by our very own journey. Where is God in this journey? Is He there and why can we not see Him, or is it that we refuse to see Him? Life can be difficult. Many of us are left to face challenges. But few of us are faced with a lifetime of adversities. In the book, The Crossroads of Faith From Hell to Glory Author Jason Q. Dillion takes you through his life’s journey. He walks you through the adversities he was left to endure. He shows the reader how it was that his faith saw him through abuse, homelessness, and mental illness. No other author has taken the personal life challenges and life lessons and painted a picture of hope and sanctification in the way that Jason Q. Dillion does. The reader will not only experience a walk in his shoes, he will be challenged to reflect on his or her own personal biases and his or her own personal walk with Christ. Life is a gift, yet life is not easy. Throughout this book, Author Jason Q. Dillion teaches, through his own life experiences, how one can conquer life’s challenges with having just a little bit of faith. ’Little is much when God is in it’ is the mantra the author consistently shares throughout the book. The reader of this book will go on a journey with Dillion. Author Jason Q. Dillion speaks of surviving abuse at a young age, then he takes you through his personal passage of homelessness and finally, he takes you through his nightmare of living with a mental illness.At the end of your journey of reading The Crossroads of Faith From Hell to Glory, you will find hope and inspiration. You will find what true faith can really conquer. The Crossroads of Faith From Hell to Glory has already touched the lives of many of its readers and the author hopes that you, too, will be inspired by the words written in his book.