圖書名稱:Learn Hypnotic Memory Methods So You Can Learn and Remember Any Foreign Language, Forever!: The Answers You Want!
Have you ever wanted to learn a foreign language, but found very quickly that you couldn’t remember anything you’d learned? I know exactly how you feel. I once sat in a French class and day after day tirelessly learned French vocabulary words and French grammar rules, only to discover weeks later that I didn’t recall anything I’d learned in earlier lessons. Many people have this same experience when they try and learn a foreign language. They find themselves wondering why they can’t remember anything they’ve spent hours upon hours trying to remember. Most quickly give up!Those who don’t have discovered this book and have come to the distinct realization that learning a language is easier than they thought. They find that they can remember anything in fact, using these lessons in hypnotic memory.They love this book because it approaches memory from several different vantage points. You’ll learn not merely one favored technique; rather, you’ll learn many of the top memorization techniques that will have you remembering an entire language’s fluency vocabulary in no time flat. Best of all ... You can even apply these techniques to the grammar lessons. When you put vocabulary and grammar rules together you have mastery over a language. You’ll find yourself thinking more intelligently and able to converse with others in their language so you can more get what you want and not be considered an outsider; rather, an insider. Become a polyglot and learn multiple languages! Gain instant skill improvement now!Learn which way works best for you!Expand your learning beyond learning a language!Become a true master of your domain!Pick up a copy of this book NOW!You’ll be glad you own it in your library!