Residing in Connecticut, Kimberly Gerry Tucker is the ghostwriter of Reborn Through Fire, the true story of burn survivor Tony Yarijanian (LULU Press) Her artwork and writing has appeared in numerous anthologies and literary journals including Women From Another Planet edited by Jean Kearns Miller, Planet Vermont Quarterly, Hearing Health, Kaleidoscope, Write Here Write Now and The Art of Autism series by Debbie Hosseini, to name a few. Kimberly writes a blog at She shows her art regularly with AANE and at Good Purpose Mass., Lee, Mass. Also, Kim sells her artwork online at Kindtree. She is working on a follow-up book to Under The Banana Moon, has several chapters in a JKP book on selective mutism, (Carl Sutton) has a children’s book with speech pathologist Judy Rosenfield in the works and is collaborating with peers and professionals on a book which celebrates the mentors, teachers, caters and support teams behind the artist Autist.