As the prophecies of the last days are all converging leading humanity to the soon return of Jesus Christ; this book’s intention is to prepare every citizen of this earth for the chain of events ready to take place, whether we are disciples of Jesus Christ or not; these events will affect each and every one of us. Although the future timeline might not look like a trail of roses, prophecies truly are meant to bring us hope rather than fear. From the formation of the Establishment to the Fall of the Berlin Wall, the formation of the long-desired New World Order, WW3, to the revived Holy Roman Empire; this book unveils the hidden treasures given by God to His people. You will discover, dear reader, prophecies that have already been fulfilled and others that are unfolding right before our eyes. You will read about occurrences you never thought would be found in the Bible, episodes and developments that were written 2500 years ago and which are coming to pass right now. The Creator, who sees the end from the beginning, has put all this in writing so that whoever comes to the knowledge of the truth might continue the flow and instruct many (Daniel 11:33). Because the Church of Jesus Christ has no Pope nor corporate headquarters; but One Cornerstone: Jesus Christ Himself, who has left to His Bride the assignment of the Great Commission.