Our galaxy is a dangerous place. Can life on Earth, or anywhere else, survive?
The human race is undergoing a miraculous transformation that is turning society upside down. The poor, the sick, the neglected and oppressed have suddenly become the leaders of a new world, with abilities and lifespans far beyond anything seen before. In the more prosperous nations of the world, the general population is still unaware of these changes. But a young California couple, who have started noticing strange things they can't ignore, discover the full extent of the transformation, and why it is so urgent. Our galaxy is a killing field. Terrible beings roam the depths of interstellar space, seeking out life for the sole purpose of destroying it. One such threat is headed directly for Earth, carrying death in a myriad of forms. These transformed humans are needed to deal with this onslaught, and the ones that will surely follow. What is at stake is not just life on Earth, but the possibility of life anywhere.