Dr. Osama Ahmed Bahudila is the founder, recipe developer of Encyclopedia greats on the top. He lives and continues to write non-stop in Aden/ Yemen, with his wife and his kids Nooran, Abubaker, Alaa, Lina and Abdu Arrahman. He is a graduate from the internal medicine specialist Course. He has a series of online instructional videos known for their ability to explain complex topics in a simple and digestible way. He is currently an Author and a physician." He loves medicine and writes awesome books for YOU because you are the best fans in the world. You can email Dr. Osama Bahudila to tell him about your favorite books at osamabahudila@gmail.com Oh - Osama Bahudila reads all your awesome Amazon reviews and likes to know what you want to read about books! He Participated in Sheikh Zayed Book Award (11th cycle, 2016-2017). He wrote seventeen titles in English, Arabic, French and Germany language to publishers in less than three years. He makes his home in Aden and loves to hear from readers. His latest book is called Encyclopedia greats on the top. Visit his website at; http: //www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1?ie=UTF8&text=Dr+osama+ahmed+bahudila&search-alias=books&field-author=Dr+osama+ahmed+bahudila&sort=relevancerank https: //www.facebook.com/osama.bahudaila https: //plus.google.com/u/0/+Osamabahudila https: //www.youtube.com/channel/UCAQH5WoQdSzZLTWHGXXiGWw