Max Shindler passed away on June 16th, 2014, at the age of 83, in Toronto, Canada. He was born on August 7th, 1931, in Liverpool, England, to Rose and Edward, both Jews of Polish descent. He was the oldest child of three; Alan and Reva, were his younger brother and sister. He lived in Liverpool until he was evacuated to Wales during the Second World War; it was here he first encountered open anti-Semitism. On many occasions he was forced to eat his meals in the outhouse on the farm where he stayed; such traumatizing incidents left lifelong scars on his psyche; he would never forget the humiliation he felt due to this abuse. Many of his relations were killed at Buchenwald, or died in the boxcars travelling to Buchenwald. Max left his family home during his late teens, and travelled to Israel, where he became a member of the Israeli Army, and later joined England’s Royal Air Force as a member of a bomb disposal unit. He was also head of advertising at Avon in Reading, England, and later worked for many years beside his wife in the visual merchandising industry. He married Pearl, also born in Liverpool, England, in 1957, on the Isle of Man. A year later his daughter Nicola was born, and three years after, Simone; his youngest child, Nigel, was born in the year 1964. Max was a loyal and caring father to his three children, and all his grandchildren. Max was a lover of the arts; he played classical guitar, and was an accomplished photographer. Throughout his life he had a passion for learning, and read voraciously on every topic one could imagine; all this knowledge, and life experience, was incorporated into Love Is the Nature of Existence. I will always remember my father as a giant among men. THE TALMUD When a man appears before the Throne of Judgment, the first question he is asked is not, "Have you believed in God?" or "Have you prayed and observed the ritual?" He is asked; "Have you dealt honorably and faithfully in all your dealings with your fellowman?" Max Shindler sacrificed his life for the betterment of all mankind. Nigel Shindler PhD has been honoured with three Doctorate Degrees, and is the author of the four volume "Love Is the Nature of Existence", "The Boy and The Tower", "Watching From A Tower", "Tree of Life", "The Jews", and fourteen collections of art; as we as "Heaven’s Gift".