Cas Roberts was born in the mid 1900’ in the mountains of Wayne County Kentucky, a part of the Appalachia Mountain region. He spent his life there having eight siblings until the age of fourteen, and then the family relocated from the mountain home to Pulaski Co., Kentucky. In later years he took the migration trail into the northern state of Indiana for a job. Two marriages resulted in six children. After spending near twenty years in Indiana he returned to Lincoln County, Kentucky. Cas brings to the pages a way of life some know, few have seen, and all can relate. Three years ago a nephew was writing a book that inspired Cas to write poetry about the old world life. It is Appalachian Poetry volume 1, a book of poems, as he saw life through his eyes. Today retired, Cas spends his time in the outdoors as much as possible. Family takes up a lot of his time. He still own the Kentucky Mountain Horse for pleasure. Much of his time is spent on writing. Cas said, "By writing this book of short stories I can preserve the way of life I have experienced over my lifetime. They are personal experiences that I have witnessed over many years; my main goal being to preserve our heritage."