Lisa Shea was born in Maryland during the Vietnam War to a father in the Air Force and a mother who worked as a journalist. She grew up in various towns along the eastern seaboard, raised in an environment where writing and researching the past were as natural as spending weekends tromping through old-growth woods looking for stone wall foundations. Her concept of art focused on cemetery stone rubbings and photos of old homesteads. When Lisa moved to Sutton, Massachusetts in 1995, she finally found her true home. Sutton’s rustic charm, dense forests, and bucolic farmland all resonated with her creative spirit. The stories she had been writing since she was young now had a fertile ground in which to flourish. Lisa’s first book set in Sutton, Aspen Allegations, was written in November 2012 in a chapter-a-day style. Each day she explored Sutton and its surrounding areas and then wrote those experiences into the chapter. The mystery-romance earned a gold medal from the 2013 IPPY awards. Her second book, Birch Blackguards, was written in the same chapter-a-day style in August 2013. This earned a bronze medal from the 2014 IPPY awards. The third book in the series, Cedar Conundrums, was written starting on May 1, 2014. Book 4 will be written during April 2015. All proceeds from the Sutton Mass Mysteries series benefit local battered women’s shelters. Lisa Shea has written 42 fiction books, 82 non-fiction books, and 36 short stories.