Roger Day, Certified Transactional Analyst, Psychotherapist and Play Therapy specialist. For many years Roger has been a trainer and supervisor specialising in children and families. Now retired, he lives in Rugby, Warwickshire, UK. Christine Day, European Adult Teaching Certificate, Nursery Nurse Examination Board (NNEB), Diploma in Counselling, Certificate in Counselling Skills. Christine is a qualified nursery nurse. In addition to successfully raising four children, over the years she has added play and creativity specialisms to her nursery skills. Christine lives with Roger in Rugby, Warwickshire, UK. Books available through Amazon by Roger Day: A bird stole my breakfast and other travel tales; I wonder if lawnmowers can swim?: The challenging story of a young radical, Simon Reynolds; All change: Winston can hardly wait for puberty; Hands off: The story of a young survivor! Books available through Amazon by Roger & Christine Day: Matryoshkas in therapy: Creative ways to use Russian dolls with clients; Creative anger expression; Creative therapy in the sand: Using sandtray with clients; Body awareness: 64 bodywork activities for therapy; Therapeutic Adventure: 64 activities for therapy outdoors; Stories that heal: 64 creative visualisations for use in therapy.